Who am I?
I am @NateDhaliwal on Replit and Replit Ask (when it was still around), as well as @natme6677 on Scratch.
I code with Python, HTML, CSS and JS!
My projects
Some facts about me!
I only started Python and HTML in 2023, but I’m a fast learner and I completed Replit’s 100 Days Of Code course!
I was an active member of Replit Ask (Replit’s support forum), and I was a Jr. Mod (Trust Level 4) on that forum, before it got shut down.
I am a huge Discourse fan. I stumbled upon the Replit Ask, which was powered by Discourse, which then led me to be active on Discourse Meta after Replit Ask shut down.
Recent Posts
Using tmux to run commands in the background
In bash & terminal • Tags: tips & tricks , guide , bash • 3 min read
What is tmux? tmux is an “open-source terminal multiplexer for Unix-like operating systems. It allows multiple terminal sessions to be accessed simultaneously in a single window. It is useful for... -
Tips for installing Discourse
In discourse • Tags: discourse , tips & tricks , guide • 6 min read
As I mentioned in my first blog post, Discourse is an amazing, modern, and feature-rich forum software. A selling point? It’s really easy to install and setup, and support is... -
My First Post!
In general • 1 min read
I’m NateDhaliwal. I’m starting this blog today! Allow me to introduce myself. I am an avid Replit user. Replit is an amazing IDE that’s on the cloud. I use it...